Journal advisory (referee) board

15 05 2024 08:44

کد خبر : 3652975

تعداد بازدید : 0

Journal advisory (referee) board


 Distinguished Professor of Iran Academy of Science,
 Professor of Computational Mechanics
 Director of High-Performance Computing Lab,
 School of Civil   Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN.
 Tel:+98-21-6111 2258, Fax: +98-21-6640 3808, Cell: +98-912-5030392
 Also available on other major social networks





Journal advisory (referee) board                                                                                                             

   International Journals:nternational Journals:
 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley (since 2007).
 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier (since 2005).
 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley (since 2007).
 Computational Materials Science (since 2007).
 Engineering Computations (since 2008).
 Journal of Composite Materials, Elsevier (since 2009).
 Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier (since 2010)
 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Multicraft (since 2010)
 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno-Press (since 2010)
 Engineering Fracture Mechancs, Elsevier (since 2011)
 Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier (since 2011)
 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Wiley (since 2011)
 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier (since 2011)
 Materials Chemistry and Physics (since 2012)
 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (since 2012)
 International Journal of Solids and Structures (since 2012)
 The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer (since 2013)
 Applied Mathematics and Computations, Elsevier (since 2013)
 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, IIAV (since 2014)
 International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier (since 2014)
 Journal of Mechanics, Cambridge (since 2014)
 Journal of Applied Mathematics, Hindawi (since 2014)
 Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, SAGE (since 2014)
 Engineering Computations, Emerald (since 2014)
 Mechanical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi (since 2014)
 Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi (since 2014)
 Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer (since 2014)
  Shock and Vibration, Hindawi (since 2014)
 Advanced Powder Technology, Elsevier (since 2014)
 International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Springer (since 2015)
 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing (since 2015)
 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier (since 2015)
 Journal of Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing (since 2015)
 Composite Structures, Elseview (since 2016)
 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Elsevier (since 2016)
 Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer (since 2019)
 Computer Methods and Programs in Medicine, Elsevier (since 2020)
 Acta Mechanica, Springer (since 2020)
 Forces in Mechanics (since 2021)
 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (since 2021)
 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (since 2021)
 Journal of Building Engineering (since 2024)
 Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (since 2022)
 Scientific Reports, Nature (since 2023)
 Computer Physics Communications (since 2024)
 PLOS One (since 2024)

 Simulation (since 2024)




Iranian National Journals
 Journal of University College of Engineering, University of Tehran, In Persian (since 1998).
 International Journal of Science and Technology, Shiraz University (since 1998).
 International Journal of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (since 2007).
 International Journal of Engineering, Tehran, Iran (since 1999).
 Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, Sharif University of Technology, In Persian (since 2008).
 Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, In Persian (since 2009).
 Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Iranian Aerospace Society (since 1999).
 Scientia Iranica, Tehran (since 1999).
 Modares Technical and Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, In Persian (since 2005).
 Amirkabir, In Persian (since 2000).
 International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Iran University of Science and Technology, In Persian (since 2000).